Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Monitoring Sucks - Round 2 - FIGHT

Monitoring sucks - Round 2 - FIGHT

Recently there’s been more and more attention to the whole ##monitoringsucks campaign. Peopel are writing blog posts. Code is being written. Discussions are being had. Smart people are doing smart things.


I figure it’s time to get the band back together for another official irc session and stop flooding infra-talk with random rants about where things stand. As much as I hate to even consider it, I think having something of an agenda so that it doesn’t turn into a bitch fest.

I’m open to any ideas that people have.

Jordan Sissel brought up some things that might be nice to have:

  • use cases
  • primitives

I’d like to also love to get input from others before we settle on the details. This one is going to be a bit more “formal” than the first session. Don’t let that turn you off. Everyone has something valuable to contribute.


I can’t believe I’m actually suggesting this part but I’d also love to walk away with something that people can work with. It’s not like people will have homework or a task list.

This is more of a “this is what we would like to see, if you want to write some code it’s a decent place to start”.

International flavor

I’m also keen on finding a time when we can get as many folks as possible to contribute. This may not be possible with that whole rotation of the earth thing but we’ll see.

Suggestions, Comments and Rude Remarks

If you’ve got anything you’d like to see or contribute on the planning side, drop me a message on IRC, email or twitter and I’ll include it (if possible) when I draft up the final “notes” beforehand.